Monday, September 30, 2019

10 signs you may not be cut out for a support tech job

The role of support tech is ideal for some people—but it might not be the best choice for others. This list will help you determine which camp you fall in. 

So you want to be a computer support technician. Or perhaps you are one already, but you can't decide whether you're just having a bad week or you're really not cut out for the job. What does it take to be an effective support tech? Is this a career at which you can excel and be happy? The ability to do well in any job and to enjoy it depends to a certain extent upon our personalities, skills, and attitudes. But how can you tell if being a support tech is right for you? Consider the following indications that you might be on the wrong track. If they don't apply to you, the list of resources at the end of the article can help you down this career path.

Check out this free ebook for a look at other IT job roles to help you decide if they're a good fit for you.

1: You don't respect other techs

Start by examining your attitude toward support techs. When you have to call your ISP or other service provider, do you treat the techs with respect or do you assume they're all idiots reading flip charts? If you don't respect the role of the support tech, regardless of how well a particular tech performs, you probably shouldn't be one, as you won't value yourself or what you do.

SEE: Telephone interview cheat sheet: Support technician (Tech Pro Research)

2: You view the job only as a stepping stone

How do you see the job as support tech? Is it an end in itself or merely a stepping stone to something "better"? Unfortunately, in many organizations, the support tech job is regarded as the lowest rung of the IT ladder, an entry-level position to be filled by people with little or no proven experience who will be promoted out of the spot at the earliest opportunity.

This article originally from -- read more

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